The Pro-Life Union is a mission-driven organization that, in collaboration with other member organizations, serves the Greater Philadelphia Community, by fighting for the right to life for the unborn, and by supporting mothers and their children during and after pregnancy.
We pursue this mission through public policy advocacy, social activism, outreach programs, and education to uphold the truths that all persons are created equal, endowed by their Creator, and possess the unalienable right to life from conception to natural death.
We envision a Greater Philadelphia with no abortion or euthanasia.

Our Statement of Belief
We believe that God is the sole author and creator of all life and without the creative hand of God, no life can come into being, nor should any human life from the moment of conception until its natural death be terminated.

John Stanton was our founder and the first chairman of the Pro-Life Coalition, which is today the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia, the city's largest pro-life group.

The Pro-Life Union is building a culture of life
The Pro-Life Union was founded in 1971, when pro-life pioneers, under the leadership of Pennsylvania Representative Marty Mullen, began to mobilize the people of Southeastern PA to stand for Life. Mullen introduced H.B. 800 in April 1971 to keep Pennsylvania pro-life and local citizens formed the Pro-Life Coalition to support H.B. 800. John Stanton was our founder and the first chairman of the Pro-Life Coalition, which is today the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia. Today, the Pro-Life Union serves as Philadelphia’s largest pro-life group.
Our organization served as the five-county area affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee. Events were organized and we led activity throughout the area. During the seventies and eighties, the Pro-Life Union began work on four critical areas of the Pro-Life movement: outreach, education, public policy and supporting alternative services. Prayer is the foundation of all of the activity.

The Pro-Life Union founders helped to build a network of support services for women facing crisis pregnancies and created the first Alternatives Brochure in 1985. A Pregnancy Hotline was created and tangible help and material support was offered as an alternative to abortion. The Pro-Life Union continues to answer this Hotline today.
We continue to encounter abortion-minded women during prayer vigils outside of abortion facilities and through our Hotline service. We are grateful for the opportunity to share the truth about the humanity of the unborn child and the damaging effect of abortion with these mothers. Hearts are changed and lives are saved every day.

The Pro-Life Union is building a Culture of Life. We are honored to partner with so many groups throughout the area so we can together transform Greater Philadelphia into an area where every life is respected and protected. This work is done only with God’s grace and your help and support. Thank you for your support of the Pro-Life Union.
In an effort to be as transparent as possible about our impact, we strive to maintain our GuideStar profile documenting our work and efficiency.

The Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia values transparency and is pleased to begin sharing its work in greater detail. At this time you can view the Pro-Life Union’s Guidestar profile containing our annual IRS 990 reports, as well as access our governance documents.