The Pro-Life Union is a mission-driven organization that, in collaboration with other member organizations, serves the Greater Philadelphia Community, by fighting for the right to life for the unborn, and by supporting mothers and their children during and after pregnancy.
We pursue this mission through public policy advocacy, social activism, outreach programs, and education to uphold the truths that all persons are created equal, endowed by their Creator, and possess the unalienable right to life from conception to natural death.

To apply for
Organizational Membership
Obtain approval from your organization’s board and leadership.


Your organization will gain a greater understanding of the obstacles to our building a Culture of Life in Greater Philadelphia.

Your organization will have a part in building a cohesive and comprehensive strategy on specifically targeted issues that will be supported by all member organizations (as well as individual members).

Your organization will participate in an annual “Town Hall Meeting” that will gather the insights, hope, and concerns of organization leaders which will in turn be used to set the goals for the priority areas for the Pro-Life Union (Outreach, Education, Public Policy and Alternatives).

Your organization will be a part of the “pro-life community” meeting the “total” needs of women who are in need and presenting themselves to us.
Your organization will be involved in the strategic development of a calendar for all of the “events” and “fundraisers” of other member organizations to prevent conflicts and build possible alliances.
Your organization’s events will be promoted through the Pro-Life Union newsletter and social media.
Your organization will have the opportunity to grow in understanding of various issues confronting other pro-life groups in the Greater Philadelphia area and gain clarity of their roles and missions, becoming aware of area for collaboration and partnership.
Your organization will have access to the Pro-Life Union as a “clearinghouse” for people who want to volunteer or provide resources (donations) and in-kind services to organizations who support our mission and beliefs.
Your organization will be able to have a display table at Stand Up for Life Dinner, be mentioned in our Program Book and become a source of recommendations for award recipients.
The Pro-Life Union will work toward leading your organization toward the resources and tools you need to fund your mission.